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I help you (in partnership with your doctor) manage the overwhelming prognosis through mental and emotional support for your RA or autoimmune diagnosis.
I found early on in my own RA diagnosis that few doctors had the bandwidth to support patients with their mental health, emotional well-being, or grieving process after a diagnosis—which is *exactly what most patients truly need after a life-altering diagnosis.
After your doctor utters those words, “You have an autoimmune condition,” the hours, days, and months following, the one thing you wish you had was someone to ask you, “How are you really doing?”
(to no fault of their own)
That's Where I Come In
In 2019, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid Arthritis after training for a half marathon and dealing with what I thought were just challenges from getting older (bunions, bone spurs, aches, and pains).
I was thoroughly overwhelmed when first diagnosed with the onslaught of failed medications, side effects, a bleak prognosis, and mental overwhelm of what I thought my life might look like. I turned to Dr. Google to find answers, but after each search, I came back more and more overwhelmed.
After riding a rollercoaster of emotions, I made a conscious choice during my recovery to not be the victim of my condition anymore. I had too much to live for—a husband, kids, grandchildren, retirement, and hopes and dreams that were still waiting for me.
Everything shifted when I began to take care of my mental, emotional, and spiritual health through getting the support of a mentor, journaling, and focusing on various self-reflective exercises that I get to share with my clients today.
I found power in writing, feeling all my feelings (the good, the bad, and the ugly), and reflecting on what I truly desired in my own life.
Slowly but surely, I found my way out of the “diagnosis darkness” and into an even better life before I was diagnosed.
I now see RA and my diagnosis as the greatest gift I was ever given, and I’m passionate about sharing the tools/resources and offering a loving hand of support with all those diagnosed and struggling to see the beauty in life again.
Simply put, Rheumatoid Arthritis taught me to live. I now sit in the driver’s seat of my own life—choosing day in and day out how I want to spend each moment.
I now get to spend my time working with clients to help them navigate the emotional, mental, and grief process of a diagnosis.
I’m excited to witness my client’s growth process where they reach their own turning point of seeing the beauty in RA.
I’m passionate about partnering with medical professionals to support their patients/clients as they navigate the mental, emotional, and spiritual side of a diagnosis.
They went from seeing me not able to walk to the Gamma who twerks to “Baby Got Back."
"I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2022, it was quite a setback for me."
"Being a mother, a wife and working professionally as a seamstress, needing to use my hands. It was quite a struggle to deal with it all. My doctor suggested that I look into a support group for people with RA. I found many support groups online but the information I was getting was not very positive. Through a search on Google, fortunately, I was able to find Annmarie from Life Coaching For Change. She really understood the pain and the challenges that I was facing."
"Beside helping me to better understand the disease she was able to help me with my thoughts about it.
"How do I deal with it on a day-to-day basis? What steps can I take to further help myself and what are my expectations for the future? Finding Annmarie has changed my life, I have been working with her for 6 months and plan on continuing to work with her."
Candice R.
Annmarie is an engaging speaker. She is both thoughtful and considerate. She has helpful insights and good listening skills. Annmarie is open about her personal journey, including her own experiences with trauma, and her diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
Sarah C.
3004 Hemlock Farms Road Hawley, Pennsylvania, 18428